Happy Monday All,
If you look around the blog you will notice that the planners are gone. What started as a desire to simply fill a missing part of the planner market shortly stopped being a missing part of the market. When Syd's Sensible Solutions decided to stop selling planners all things Syd's Sensible Solutions stopped. We have been through a lot of changes since you heard from me last. My husband is still in the Army but I gained a nephew, we moved, my husband went to school for a year, he was promoted, we bought a house/moved again, and shortly after arriving my husband was gone for work for several months. He's been back home for two months and I finally feel I'm at a place where I can come back to the blog. You can expect to see a variety of thoughts on homemaking, attempting to be frugal, meal prep/planning, homeschooling, Army wife life, PCSing (an Army move), Change of Command, and some Jesus drawing everything together. Stay and read if it blesses you and have a wonderful day if it doesn't!